Medival History (The Handwritten Notes)

 Medival History

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Medieval Indian History

  1. Slave dynasty, Khilji dynasty, Tughlaq dynasty and Lodi dynasty
  2. Vijayanagar and Bahamani Kingdom
  3. Bhakti and Sufi movements
  4. Art, Science, Religion, Society, Economy and Administration
  5. Regional Kingdoms and their features
  6. Contemporary historians and their work 
  7. Famous battles and their chronology
Mughal Dynasty
  1. Babur, Humayun, Akbar , Jehangir, Shah Jehan, Mughal rulers
  2. Zamindari Mansabdari, and Jagirdari systems
  3. Religious policy, of the Mughal Deccan policy, Rajput policy etc.
  4. Art, religion, society, economy and administration 
  5. Famous historians and their works
  6. Sher Shah, Sikh and Maratha empire
  7. Famous wars and their chronology.
The arrival of European companies
  1. Fall of Mughal dynasty 
  2. The arrival of various European companies
  3. War of supremacy amongst the European companies 
  4. Rise and Expansion of the East India company 

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